
Stumbling upon microbes

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Kingman reef

Kingman reef lays only 36 nmi northwest of Palmyra and it is the northernmost of the Northern Line Islands. It is mostly submerged with only a couple of narrow sand strips visible from the ship (see link above for Wikipedia entry including history of the reef).


Inside the lagoon the coral cover is low and the reef looks quite unhealthy. This may be the result of strong predation pressure by the starfish Crown of Thorns starfish, which can be spotted throughout the lagoon in high numbers.


On the other hand, the reef outside the lagoon is in a very good condition, with high coral coverage and diversity, plenty of sharks, fish and invertebrates.









The sharks here are much more curious in comparison to Jarvis and Palmyra, and they hovered by throughout most of our dives. On some dives we designated one of the divers to stay on watch and make sure they don’t get too curious ;)

But there is no doubt that the highlight of Kingman reef’s diving is the Giant Clam Garden! Countless clams with infinite colors and patterns - This is definitely one of the most beautiful underwater sights I have ever seen!





_Hatsue Bailey NOAA-CRED

_Hatsue Bailey NOAA-CRED

That’s it! The cruise is over and we are making our way back to Hawaii.
This trip was an amazing experience! It will take me some time to let it all sink…
Now I’m just looking forward to get back home to my wife and daughter :)

Written on April 30, 2015